Unleashing IT Excellence

Expert Server Administration for Seamless Operations
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Our expertise spans across Windows Server Administration, Citrix Cloud Administration, Remote Monitoring and Management Tools, as well as Golden Image Updates and Scheduled Maintenance Activities.
  • 8+
    Years of experience
  • 12+
    businesses served till date
  • 15k+
    Billable support hours generated
What do we do?
From Windows Server Admin to Citrix Cloud Management, we excel in comprehensive windows solutions
  • Windows Server Administration
    Our skilled team ensures the seamless operation of your Windows server environment. From initial setup to ongoing optimisation, we handle every aspect with precision, guaranteeing a stable and secure foundation for your business applications.
  • Citrix Cloud Administration
    Trust us to manage your Citrix Cloud environment, enabling you to harness the full power of virtualization and cloud technologies. Our meticulous administration enhances user experiences, maximizes resource utilization, and ensures your workforce remains productive and connected.
  • Remote Monitoring and Management Tools
    With advanced remote monitoring and management tools at our disposal, we proactively monitor your systems 24/7. This vigilance allows us to swiftly identify and resolve issues, often before they impact your operations, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted user experience.
  • Golden Image Updates and Scheduled Maintenance Activities:
    Our proactive approach extends to regular updates of your system's golden images, ensuring consistency and security across your infrastructure. Additionally, our meticulously planned maintenance activities are designed to minimize disruptions, letting you focus on what matters most – your core business.
Case Studies
Streamlining Operations and Enhancing User Experience
A medium-sized enterprise faced challenges managing its dispersed workforces virtual app and desktop needs.
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Orchestrating Efficiency and Scalability
A growing enterprise faced challenges in efficiently managing its virtual app and desktop delivery to a geographically dispersed workforce.
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Reviews from our customers
Our Team
Seasoned professionals empowering businesses with unmatched server solutions and optimizing windows landscapes.
  • Sai Rajasekhar Kurada
    Experience: 13 years
    AD, MS Windows and Citrix
  • Ramu Punuru
    Experience: 9 years
    AD, MS Windows and Citrix
  • Avinash Udumula
    Experience: 7 years
    AD, MS Windows and Citrix
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